Thinking About the Economy

This research is intended to investigate how people think about economic information. By participating, you will help us learn more about how the brain processes economic information, as well as the best ways to report this information to the public. This survey involves reading a chart containing factual economic information, after which we will ask you some questions about yourself. You may not be told about the purpose of this research before you participate, but the purpose of the research will be disclosed to you after you finish the survey. This study will take about 5 minutes to complete.


Opportunities in the Workplace

This study will ask you about your views about opportunities in the workplace as well as your views on policies proposed by various candidates to improve the quality of the workplace. The purpose of this study is to better understand how individuals think about the opportunities that they have at work. This study should take approximately five minutes to complete.


Consumer Perceptions Study

This study asks participants to read about a consumer behavior of another perception and to give their perceptions of that person. This survey takes about three minutes


Uber Study

We are academic researchers interested in shared economy. In this 5-minute study you will be asked to imagine a scenario and answer a few short questions. There are no right or wrong answers. We are only interested in your honest opinion. Thank you!


Professional Decision-Making

In this survey, you will be asked about career choices and about your perceptions of corporations. Participation should take 5 to 10 minutes.


Lifestyle and Possessions

This survey is intended to measure different aspects of peoples' lifestyle, attachment to things, perception of the stuff they own, and personality traits. This survey will be used for research intended to glean a better understanding of how people of different personality types relate to the stuff they own in an effort to promote healthier attachments and decrease issues with compulsive acquisition and over/under consumption. For this survey, you will be asked to answer a series of questions about yourself and the stuff you own - your answers will be kept confidential and the researchers investigating the topic will not be able to link your answers to you. Your participation is greatly appreciated!


Economic Redistribution

The goal of this project is to understand individuals’ perceptions and preferences on relevant policy issues. We will ask you some demographic questions as well as questions about the economy and specific policies. We will also ask a question regarding how connected you feel about your future self. The results of the study will contribute to a better picture of social preferences about policies that have impact on everyday life.




Companies and Society

We are trying to establish how much importance ordinary citizens who are not professional investors and who either directly or indirectly (e.g. through their retirement funds) hold shares of companies, attach to the different characteristics of the companies they invest in when they make decisions. In particular, how much importance they attach to how companies influence the world around them. This research can support our understanding of investment decisions and contribute new data that may improve the allocation of investments to better reflect what matters to ultimate investors. The survey should take about 10 minutes.