Thank you to our volunteers!

Responses from DLABSS volunteers like you have provided valuable contributions to social science research. Check out the publications and working papers below, all of which have utilized studies conducted on DLABSS. Please also see the below article which comprehensively introduces DLABSS and makes the case for online volunteer laboratories for social science research:

Strange, Austin, Ryan D. Enos, Mark Hill, and Amy Lakeman. 2019. “Online Volunteer Laboratories for Human Subjects Research.” PLOS ONE 14(8): e0221676.

Publications using DLABSS

Carney, Riley. 2013. "Observing the Effects of Status Hierarchy on Civic Engagement Through 311 Hotlines." Undergraduate thesis, Harvard University. 

Charlesworth, Tessa, and Mahzarin R. Banaji. 2019. "Face-trait and Face-race Cues in Adults' and Children's Social Evaluations." Social Cognition 37(4): 357-388.

Davies, Emmerich, Thomas Gift, and Carlos X. Lastra-Anadón. 2020. “How Global Performance Assessments Shape Attitudes Toward Government Decision-Making: Survey Experimental Evidence.Governance.

Enos, Ryan D. 2017. The Space Between Us: Social Geography and Politics. Cambridge University Press.

Enos, Ryan D. and Christopher Celaya. 2018 “The Effect of Segregation on Intergroup Relations.” Journal of Experimental Political Science 5(1): 26-38.

Gift, Thomas and Carlos X. Lastra-Anadón. 2018. “How Voters Assess Elite-educated Politicians: A Survey Experiment.” Electoral Studies 56: 136-149.

Hankinson, Michael. 2017. "Why Is Housing So Hard To Build?" PhD diss., Harvard University.

Hankinson, Michael. 2018. "When Do Renters Behave Like Homeowners? High Rent, Price Anxiety, and NIMBYism." American Political Science Review 112(3): 473-493.

Kaufman, Aaron, Gary King, and Mayya Komisarchik. Forthcoming. “How to Measure Legislative District Compactness If You Only Know it When You See It.” American Journal of Political Science.

Kurdi, Benedek and Mahzarin R. Banaji. 2019. “Attitude Change via Repeated Evaluative Pairings Versus Evaluative Statements: Shared and Unique Features.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Attitudes and Cognition.

Mozer, R., Miratrix, L., Kaufman, A., & Jason Anastasopoulos, L. 2020. “Matching with Text Data: An Experimental Evaluation of Methods for Matching Documents and of Measuring Match Quality.” Political Analysis, 28(4): 445-468.

Nguyen, Dan. 2016. "Formidability and Human Behavior: An Interdisciplinary Approach." PhD diss., Institut for Økonomi, Aarhus Universitet.

Patil, I., Zucchelli, M. M., Kool, W., Campbell, S., Fornasier, F., Calo', M., Silani, G., Cikara, M., & Cushman, F. A. 2018. Reasoning Supports Utilitarian Resolutions to Moral Dilemmas across Diverse Measures. PsyArXiv. doi: 10.31234/  

Saha, Sparsha and Ana Catalano Weeks. 2020. "Ambitious Women: Gender and Voter Perceptions of Candidate Ambition." Political Behavior.

Working Papers and Conference Presentations using DLABSS Research

Bonikowski, Bart and Yueran Zhang. 2017. “Populism as Dog-Whistle Politics: Anti-Elite Discourse and Sentiments toward Minorities in the 2016 Presidential Election.” Working Paper, Harvard University.

Bucchianeri, Peter and Ryan Enos. “The Influence of Perceived Losses on the Strength (and Stickiness) of Public Opinion,” Working paper, Harvard University.

Carney, Riley and Ryan Enos. "Conservatism and Fairness in Contemporary Politics: Unpacking the Psychological Underpinnings of Modern Racism," Working paper, Harvard University. (Prior versions presented at the 2015 Midwest Political Science Association, annual meeting, Chicago and the 2017 NYU CESS Experiments Conference.)

Hochschild, Jennifer and Mayya Komisarchik. 2018. “Genetics, Violence, Race and the Partisan Processing of Responsibility,” Working paper, Harvard University.

Hudson, Sa-kiera T. J. and Jim Sidanius. “The Influence of Sexual Orientation and Race on Gender Prescriptive Stereotypes,” Working paper, Harvard University.

Kappmeier, Mariska. “Can we trust you? Study about intergroup trust,” Working paper, Harvard University.

Kaufman, Aaron and Matthew Kim. “Sequential Blocked Randomization for Internet- Based Survey Experiments,” Working Paper, Harvard University.

Kaufman, Aaron. “An Automated Method to Estimate Bias in Survey Questions,” Working Paper, Harvard University.

Mahler, Daniel. "Do Altruistic Preferences Matter for Voting Outcomes?," Working Paper, Harvard University.

Mazumder, Soumyajit, and Alan Yan. “What Do Americans Want from (private) Government? Experimental Evidence Demonstrates That Americans Want Workplace Democracy,” Working Paper, Harvard University.

Rose, Reagan M., Luke Miratrix*, Aaron Kaufman and Jason Anastasopoulos. 2017. "Methodological Challenges for Handling Unmeasured Confounders in Causal Inference with Social Science Data," Joint Statistical Meeting, Baltimore.

Seegars, Lumumba and Jim Sidanius. “Person-Environment Fit and Hierarchy-Enhancing Resource Allocation,” Under review at Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.

How is DLABSS funded?

DLABSS is a program in the Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard University and is funded by the The Pershing Square Venture Fund for Research on the Foundations of Human Behavior