Perception of Race

This experiment investigates the perception of ethnicity in response to diverse stimuli. In this survey, you will be asked to rate the appearance of human faces along a scale from "Very African-American" to "Very Caucasian". A face can be one of these extremes or somewhere in between. We are interested in your perception, there is no right or wrong answer. Participation will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. 


Online Discussion Groups

The purpose of this research is to see how people participate in online discussion groups. By participating, you will help us understand how organizational leaders and managers can better understand group dynamics of employees. As a part of this study, you will be asked to participate in an online discussion group in which you will provide your thoughts about a university policy proposal. As part of this research design, you may not be told or may be misled about the purpose or procedures of this research. However, the purpose or procedures of the research will be disclosed to you following your participation. This study will take 10-15 minutes.


Symbolic Racism

In this survey, you will be asked a series of questions about politics and racism.


Immigration Attitudes

This project explores how people form attitudes about immigration policies. While immigration is a critical policy issue in America and beyond, researchers often disagree about what factors truly drive individual attitudes towards open or closed immigration policies. A better understanding of these factors can potentially help policy makers more effectively design policies to benefit society. In this study you will be asked whether you support or oppose certain immigration-related foreign policies, and will be invited to elaborate on how you formed your opinions. The survey should take about 10 minutes or so.


Police Violence

This survey is part of a larger research project on public opinion about police use of force. The survey, and the larger project will both add to the understanding of what shapes people’s opinions on police use of force. In this survey, you will be asked to complete multiple choice questions about your views of police use of force. Participation should take approximately 5-10 minutes.