Congressional Legislation Preferences
During this study we will ask you to indicate your thoughts on current events in America. There are no right or wrong answers and are looking to understand how everyday Americans are perceiving the world around them. During this study you will read a short (no more than a minute) article and tell us your thoughts. This study will take 5-7 minutes to complete.
Your Opinions on Current Issues
During this study we will ask you to indicate your thoughts on current events in America. There are no right or wrong answers and are looking to understand how everyday Americans are perceiving the world around them. During this study you will read a short (no more than a minute) article and tell us your thoughts. This study will take 5-7 minutes to complete.
US Voting Behavior
The purpose of this research is to get a deeper understanding of individuals’ voting behavior. You will be asked to participate in a survey about the U.S. presidential election. The survey will take 10 to 15 minutes.
Political Issues Survey
In this 7-minute study, we are interested in people's attitude and beliefs about certain issues, including how people interact with each other and discuss their thoughts and feelings about these issues. In this survey, you will be asked to report on your attitudes and beliefs as well as to read and respond to statements about certain issues.
Redistricting and the Voting Rights Act
The Voting Rights Act demands that legislative districts be "compact." However, no legal standard exists for what compactness actually means! In this study, we'll show you pictures of real legislative districts, and you'll tell us which ones you think are more compact. With enough participants, we can develop a new legal standard for preventing gerrymandering!
The Authenticity of Political Appeals
As we enter into a world where truth and fact are becoming increasingly politicized across the political spectrum, one important question to ask is: what determines whether a political appeal seems authentic and believable to voters? To work towards answering this question, this survey asks participants to evaluate the authenticity of claims made by a series of four anonymous candidates, given a brief biography of the candidate and an excerpt from a speech delivered by that candidate. This research will build on previous work to help political scientists better understand the relationship between politics and "the truth."
The Meaning of Conservatism Today
In this survey, you will be asked to choose policies based on different situations and outcomes. Your participation will take approximately 10 minutes. This study will help us learn more about the ways in which culture influences judgments and decisions!
Outsourcing War
In this survey, respondents will be asked questions regarding the U.S.' conduct of war in recent military episodes. Participation in this survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes. Questions are multiple choice and text entry.
Space Policy
The purpose of this research is to better understand public opinion on public policy issues. Your participation will take less than 5 minutes. As a participant, you will be asked to complete 12 multiple-choice questions.
Policy Attitudes
For this survey you will be asked to complete 4 multiple-choice questions and 2 short-answer questions. The purpose of this research is to better understand public opinion on public policy issues. Participation should take no longer than 5 minutes.
A Study of Attitudes Toward Politicians
In this survey, you will be asked a series of questions about politics.
Political and Social Attitudes
The purpose of this research is to examine political and social attitudes. As a participant, you will firstly read a short news article, and be asked a few questions about the article. You will then proceed to answer a number of questions about your political and social attitudes. Your participation will take approximately 10 minutes.
Politicizing the Brain
In this experiment, you will read a brief excerpt from an article adapted from The Atlantic news magazine and answer a few reflection questions about political identity.